What in the Wallingford? Wasn’t that that old series of puzzles, where Wallyhood would post a photo taken somewhere in Wallingford, and then the reader would have to figure out what it was? Yes, that’s the one. But then he put out a puzzle and never announced the winner, and just kind of let the whole thing peter out? Lame.
OK, OK, we all get busy. But thanks to helpful reader Gayle Perez and a slow news day, we’re back!
First, though, the solution to the last WitW puzzler:
On the left, the original puzzler. On the right, the sculptures it was derived from, at least one of which you can spot on the porch of the artist, Marc Bissell, just south of 50th St on 1st Ave NE. Marc, you may remember, was involved in a bit of kerfuffle involving Wallingford sculpture back in July. On that topic, all we’ll say is that we’re glad that so many people are passionate about art and parks in this neighborhood.
Let us now turn our attention to the next WitW contest photo, sent in by Gayle:
Where was it taken? Fill in the form below (e-mail / Seattle P-I readers, you’ll have to visit the Wallyhood web site version of this post to enter) to take your guess:
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This week’s winner gets Murphy’s t-shirt. We totally promise not to lame out and forget to announce a winner this time around. Almost definitely.
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